Naturopathic Residencies
About Naturopathic Residencies
Postdoctoral residency programs in naturopathic medicine offer naturopathic doctors opportunities for advanced training in the practice of naturopathic medicine and, in some cases, opportunities to assist in the clinical instruction of ND students. These programs are typically one or two years long, and take place in a variety of settings, including school clinics and private practices. All residencies emphasize clinical practice, and also include opportunities for continuing medical education, naturopathic research and scholarship.
In order to promote high-quality residency training opportunities for naturopathic doctors, the Council has established a set of requirements for both individual residency sites and for schools that sponsor the residencies. The Council, through its Committee on Postdoctoral Naturopathic Medical Education (CPNME), periodically reviews naturopathic residency training programs and school sponsors to make sure that residencies meet CNME requirements.
CNME Residency Handbook
Contains the CNME requirements for residency programs and information on the approval process for schools that wish to sponsor residencies.
CPNME Requirements and Guidelines for Resident Employment, 2024 - 2026
See Committee on Postdoctoral Naturopathic Medical Education requirements and guidelines for structuring the resident employment arrangement.

Photo courtesy of Bastyr University
Postdoctoral residencies provide opportunities for advanced training in naturopathic medicine.
CNME-Recognized Residency Sponsors
The following institutions are recognized by the Council to offer CNME-approved residency programs.

Photo courtesy of University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine
Residencies emphasize clinical practice, and include opportunities for continual medical education, research and scholarship.