Accredited Naturopathic Schools
Accredited Schools Overview
The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education accredits four-year, campus-based doctoral programs in naturopathic medicine (ND programs) that qualify graduates for licensure in the U.S. and Canada. CNME does not accredit online ND programs, and these programs do not qualify individuals for licensure.
Accreditation is a rigorous process that ensures schools are providing a standards-based education that combines traditional natural health knowledge with modern medical training. Schools are required to meet certain standards before being accredited and must be reaccredited at least every seven years. The standards are public and transparent and can be viewed in the CNME Handbook of Accreditation. Only graduates from CNME accredited schools/programs are eligible for licensure in U.S. states and Canadian province that regulate naturopathic doctors.
Accredited Naturopathic Schools
Bastyr University
Naturopathic Medicine Program (Washington State campus)
14500 Juanita Drive, N.E.
Kenmore, Washington 98028-4966
Naturopathic Medicine Program (California campus)
4106 Sorrento Valley Boulevard
San Diego, California 92121
Public Notice: The CNME Board of Directors voted at its meeting on October 31, 2024, to place the accreditation status of Bastyr University’s ND program on probation due to the institution’s non-compliance with CNME Accreditation Standard III (“Planning and Financial Resources”), Sections B1 and B2 (“Institutional Financial Resources”).
Initial CNME accreditation was granted to the ND program in April 1987 and last reaffirmed in October 2019. A comprehensive evaluation visit for reaccreditation of the program took place in June 2024, and the CNME Board of Directors—at its meeting on October 31, 2024—placed the program’s accreditation status on probation and deferred a decision on the reaccreditation of the program for a period of six months, during which time its current accredited status remains in place. The university has institutional accreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, a U.S. Department of Education-recognized institutional accrediting agency.
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine Program (Toronto campus)
1255 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario M2K 1E2
Naturopathic Medicine Program (Boucher campus)
Suite 300
435 Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 5N8
In February 2021, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) and the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM) merged into a single, combined naturopathic institution under the name Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. The merged institution offers ND programs at both the CCNM campus in Toronto, Ontario, and at the former BINM campus in New Westminster, British Columbia; both programs are CNME-accredited. For more information on the merged institution, contact CCNM or CNME.
Initial CNME accreditation was granted September 2000 and last reaffirmed in May 2020. The next full-scale evaluation is scheduled for winter 2027, with a decision on continued accreditation to be made in spring 2028. The college is recognized by all Canadian provinces that regulate naturopathic doctors.
National University of Health Sciences
Naturopathic Medicine Program
200 E. Roosevelt Road
Lombard, Illinois 60148
Initial CNME accreditation was granted October 2012 and last reaffirmed in October 2022. The next full-scale evaluation visit is scheduled for spring 2029, with a decision on continued accreditation to be made in fall 2029. The university has institutional accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission, a U.S. Department of Education recognized institutional accrediting agency.
National University of Natural Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine Program
49 S. Porter Street
Portland, Oregon 97201
Initial CNME accreditation was granted April 1991 and last reaffirmed in May 2022. The next full-scale evaluation visit is scheduled for fall 2028, with a decision on continued accreditation to be made in spring 2029. The college has institutional accreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, a U.S. Department of Education-recognized institutional accrediting agency.
Sonoran University of Health Sciences
(Formerly, Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences)
Naturopathic Medicine Program
2140 E. Broadway Road
Tempe, Arizona 85282
Initial CNME accreditation was granted in November 1999 and last reaffirmed in May 2019. The next full-scale evaluation is scheduled for fall 2025, with a decision on continued accreditation to be made in spring 2026. The university has institutional accreditation with the Higher Learning Commission, a U.S. Department of Education recognized institutional accrediting agency.
Universidad Ana G. Méndez
Naturopathic Medicine Program
P.O. Box 3030
Gurabo, Puerto Rico 00778
Initial CNME accreditation was granted in January 2021—retroactive to May 2020—for a period of four years, and was last reaffirmed in May 2024 for a period of six years. The next comprehensive evaluation visit for reaccreditation is scheduled for the winter of 2030 with a decision on continued accreditation to be made at the spring 2030 Council meeting. Additionally, a focused onsite visit is scheduled for fall 2026 to assess the program’s progress in addressing outstanding recommendations. The university has institutional accreditation with the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, a U.S. Department of Education-recognized institutional accrediting agency.
Candidate Programs
Note that candidacy, sometimes referred to as “pre-accreditation,” precedes accreditation. Candidate ND programs are similar to accredited programs: they meet the same standards as accredited programs, and their graduates are eligible for licensure in the U.S. and Canada. Candidate programs have five years in which to achieve accreditation.
Currently, there are no candidate ND programs.
Previously Accredited ND Programs No Longer in Operation or Merged with Another Institution
Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine Program
Suite 300
435 Columbia Street
New Westminster, BC V3L 5N8
Initial accreditation of BINM’s ND program was granted December 2008, and reaccreditation was last granted October 2019 retroactive to May 2018.
In February 2021, the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) and the Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM) merged into a single, combined naturopathic institution under the name Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. The merged institution will continue to offer ND programs at both the CCNM campus in Toronto, Ontario, and at the former BINM campus in New Westminster, British Columbia, which is now is a branch campus of CCNM. Both of the ND programs retain their CNME accreditation status in accordance with the CCNM accreditation cycle.
For transcripts and other information related to the former Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine ND program prior to BINM’s merger with CCNM, contact:
University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine
Naturopathic Medicine Program
60 Lafayette Street
Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604
Accreditation was initially granted in March 2006 and last reaffirmed in October 2018, retroactive to May 2018. The University of Bridgeport announced in 2019 that it would officially discontinue its ND program, and the university graduated its final class of ND students in May 2022.
For transcripts and other information related to the University of Bridgeport’s discontinued ND program, contact:

Photo courtesy of National University of Natural Medicine
Patients can be assured that NDs who graduate from a CNME-accredited naturopathic medical program receive a comprehensive education.